Why is return on investment in social media marketing important?

Why is return on investment in social media marketing important?


Marketing your content on a YouTube channel does not come free. It is capital intensive as a successful social media activity takes time and an effective strategy. Industry reports say that nearly 60% of marketers spend anywhere between 6 hours to 11 hours every week. This is in addition to their other regular jobs and therefore the pressure is quite high. This has led people to outsource social media jobs so that there is a continuous supply of content to generate results quickly. They also prefer to generate engagements inorganically by ensuring that there are enough likes and views to make a channel successful.  To bring in a semblance of balance many marketers buy YouTube dislikes as a part of that strategy.

Many business owners or management evaluate the performance of the social media efforts. For a reasonable percentage of executives, social media is a priority when it comes to brand visibility. There is still a question mark as to whether social media presence is a part of the marketing mix when for many there is strict budget control.

Why is return on investment in social media marketing important?

Measuring ROI

Many people do not understand that social media presence is critical for business today as more people turn to online transactions. They would rather prefer to calculate the return on investment (ROI) on social media marketing and not sell on the other metrics like return on influence or engagement. For many until absolute returns are visible investment in content marketing is done cautiously.

Marketers are expected to show quantifiable results and demonstrate that their online strategies are working and giving revenue to the business. Social media activities take both time and money and therefore companies compare their performance vis a vis the traditional source of marketing and advertising.

Measuring ROI on YouTube marketing would mean measuring various parameters. The question of whether ROI is the accurate measure of success as the brand value of any business isn’t tangible on social media metrics. But to get a fair idea about ROI, one should analyze the other metrics which are available for such platforms. It is fair that one should take a holistic view on the performance of social media

Optimization is the key

Optimization of one’s channel is key to a successful campaign and can be gauged from the views, likes, and subscribers. Monetizing a channel is critical for measuring social media returns on investment.  One therefore would prioritize their efforts to ensure that whatever available metrics, one can tweak and modify critical areas so that the conversion rates become visible. This gives a fair idea of the revenues generated and asks on the time and effort and the overheads spent on social media activities; an approximate ROI can be estimated.

As per Chatonic you needs to keep on optimizing until it cannot be done anymore as then only the final ROI can be measured. This is critical to those projects whose mission is the success of the business.  For a YouTube channel, lead conversion at the end of the drive to other websites is the kind of information that helps to measure the success of ROI.

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