5 easy steps for painting a room

5 easy steps for painting a room

At a first glance, painting may seem an impossible task to do and you may feel the need to hire professionals such as malerkanonen.dk. It is reasonable to do so if you feel like it but hiring painters may get a little bit expensive for you. Although, it may seem an impossible task but in reality it is not. It is quite easy to paint a room all by yourself, if you have the right amount of focus and necessary tools with you.

Tools you will need in order to paint a room

  1. Paint
  2. Roller covers
  3. Handy roller tray
  4. Handy paint pail
  5. Purdy paint brush
  6. Extendable roller frame
  7. Spackling
  8. Frog tape
  9. Press and Seal food wrap or plastic food wrap

5 steps for painting a room

  1. Prep

Just like every task, painting also needs some prep work. You will need to plan beforehand and prepare for it, you cannot just pick your favorite color and start slapping it on the walls. Before starting to paint, you may need to wipe down the baseboards and walls. Furthermore, if you have anything sticky on your walls, then you may have to scrub it off. It is advisable to use a damp rag for wiping your walls down.

  1. Patch any holes

Every walls have different sorts of patches in it such as nail patches. Before starting to paint, you will need to patch these holes on your walls if they have any. However, it depends on you. If you want to hang up an art piece on your wall, then you do not need to patch the hole but otherwise you will need to. It is quite easy to patch a hole. All you need is spackling and apply it with a speckling knife. Your finger will also do the job if you do not have a knife.

  1. Tape the baseboards

You need to do this step before painting as well. It is quite essential to tape the baseboards and floors near the walls you want to paint. Taping the baseboards and floors help you protect them from the paint, if any paint runs down from the wall to the baseboards or the floor.

  1. Cut or trim in the room

While painting near the ceilings or window frames, you may not need to tape it because you can use an angled brush and paint it. This step may need a lot of patience and a steady hand. Moreover, this step will also help you save a lot of time and money. It is advisable to put your paint brush in the fridge or freezer if you are taking a break.

  1. Roll the wall

Last step is just to start rolling paint over the wall. Although, always remember to make sure that you roll using different angles so you can get a nice coverage. Ensure that paint is not dripping from the roller.

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